Saturday, April 26, 2014

PHP Tutorial Five : Write PHP Code

Last tutorial we know "How to create a php file". Now we will know how to write php code. Now we open our firstfile.php in text editor. Generally in html file we write this code :




This is html code. But php is a server site scripting language. In source code the html code is showing. But php code cannot show. Because it is server site scripting language. The php code is :



First we write < (less then) sign, then write ? (interrogation) sign and write "php". It is starting code in php. In last we write ? (interrogation) sign and > (Getter then) sign. It is ending tag of php code. We also write this code for php :



Now we write this code in our file :

echo "This is first php code";

Here echo is the php syntext.

Now open the browser. and refresh the page. We see our text in browser.

Write Php code in Php file

Next tutorial we will know "How to create a index.php file and write php code".

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